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Architectural Control Committee [ACC] Procedures |
Paragraph 8 of the Amended Declaration of Conditions and Restrictions for San Geronimo Airpark states: 'No building, structure, concrete slab or fence shall be erected or constructed on any lot until the building plans, specifications, plot plans, and external design shall have been approved in writing by SGAPOA or by such nominee or nominees as it may designate in writing.' |
As provided in Chapter 209 of the Texas Property Code, the SGAPOA Board of Directors has established a 4-member Architectural Control Committee [ACC] to review and approve or disapprove construction under paragraph 8 above. The ACC is empowered to approve construction plans that comply with subdivision deed restrictions and rules, and work with owners to bring non-compliant plans into compliance so the plans can be approved. If the ACC and the owner cannot agree to modify the construction plans to bring them into compliance, the ACC is empowered to deny the proposal. In the event of an ACC denial, the owner may appeal the denial to the SGAPOA Board of Directors by filing a notice of appeal using the procedure contained in the denial notice issued by the ACC. Once an appeal is filed the Board must schedule a hearing within 30 days. |
WARNING: Any construction undertaken prior to receiving ACC approval is a violation of Paragraph 8 of the Amended Declaration of Conditions and Restrictions for San Geronimo Airpark and may subject the owner to legal liability even if the construction otherwise complies with airpark restrictions. |
ACC Approval Process |
1. Application: A description of your project along with specific construction plans and drawings must be submitted using the  IMPORTANT  ALL necessary drawings and specifications to completely describe your project must be included with the request form. Any missing documentation may delay approval.If you are using a contractor, they normally supply this information for you to submit to the ACC. Once complete, everything should be emailed to the ACC at acc.sgapoa@gmail.com. You will receive a reply email from the ACC acknowledging receipt of your request. Alternatively, you may send it by US mail to ACC, San Geronimo Airpark Property Owners Association, 15464 Culebra # 30, San Antonio, TX 78253, but this may delay the ACC from considering your request.COMMON AREA WARNING:ACC approval is for construction within your property lines. If your project involves any construction beyond your property lines and involves airpark Common Areas, [the runway, taxiway or road] you must also submit a separate Common Area Construction Project Proposal to the SGAPOA Board. Failure to do so may result in you having to pay costs to restore the SGAPOA Common Area to its original condition. 2. Timing: The Board of Directors has asked the ACC to act on properly submitted construction plans as quickly as reasonably possible. The ACC meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month for this purpose, so owners should allow up to 30 days to obtain an ACC review and decision. However all applications must be complete to begin the process, and must comply with SGAPOA deed restrictions, so approval is not guaranteed. Please do not have your contractor directly contact the ACC while your project is pending review. 3. Fees: There are normally no fees for review by the ACC, however on large complex projects, the ACC may request reimbursement from an owner for necessary expert opinions, such as engineering or drainage issues. 4. Approvals: If all rules and restrictions are complied with, the ACC is empowered to issue a written approval. No construction may be undertaken, nor may materials or equipment be brought onsite until the owner receives the written approval. Approvals are valid for 12 months after the date of the approval letter, and construction must be completed within 6 months of construction commencement. If these deadlines cannot be met, the owner must submit an 5. Modifications:ACC approvals are valid only for the specific construction plans submitted by the owner to the ACC. If any modifications to these approved plans are necessary or desirable, the owner must submit an at least 30 days before the changed plans are to be implemented. 6. ACC Site Visits: Site visits will be scheduled by the ACC as needed. 7. After Completion: After the project is complete the owner must notify the ACC of completion by email: acc.sgapoa@gmail.com A final inspection may be scheduled if needed to assure construction has been completed according to submitted plans. |
© 2025 San Geronimo Airpark Property Owners Association. All rights reserved. Copyrights and service marks are the property of San Geronimo Airpark Property Owners Association. Unauthorized access to this website or use of any copyrighted material or service marks is prohibited. |